In the last few years, WhatsApp has become the most popular online messaging app. Most people in our personal and professional circle are on WhatsApp. Since it is one of the most preferred modes to chat, it has become a must to keep our chats secure or hidden from others, especially nosey people. There are many applications that can help lock WhatsApp, but sometimes we do not want to lock WhatsApp, we just want to hide some chats. Here are the 10 best apps to lock WhatsApp which can help you hide specific chats and even lock the entire app if you want so.

Top 10 Lock  Apps for WhatsApp

1. Locker for Whats Chat App

The application is an amazing gift for those who want to lock specific chats on WhatsApp. It is completely free and you will not see annoying ads. Using this application, you can lock your personal and group chats. This makes it a perfect WhatsApp chat locker app and also, the user interface of this application is also very simple and easy to understand. Grab this amazing app and lockdown your personal chats. Download Here


2. Lockdown Pro – AppLock & Vault:

Another app on our list of Best WhatsApp Lockers apps is lock down pro. When it comes to best apps to lock WhatsApp this application cannot be ignored. The application can be used for locking down apps using fingerprint and provides rock solid security for your personal data. Apart from locking WhatsApp and other applications on your Android smartphone this application is capable to hide photos and videos from your gallery.

Get it from here

3. Lock For Apps (WhatsLock)

This can lock the apps on your Android devices such as WhatsApp, Messaging app, gallery, and contacts. Use Lock For Apps (WhatsLock) to prevent people from snooping in your personal chats on Whatsapp. This is a great help in preventing people from finding the media in your device. As the app comes with a feature to hide the pictures and videos completely in the gallery. It will hide the Whatsapp chat messages with a cover on them. This will hide any messages or photos displayed to the onlooker and lock will appear. If it is you trying to unlock, provide the password and enter the app. It is a smart app trusted by many to lock the Whatsapp chat.

Get it from here.

4. Messenger and Chat block

Using a PIN, you can keep WhatsApp safe on your device. Messenger and Chat Block app is made to lock the apps on an Android device. To ensure the security of your private data on phone this app will lock the Whatsapp for you. Like all texts, pictures and videos on the app are important to you and should not be seen publicly. You can add customization for the app to lock the Whatsapp with auto-lock. Also, the app can click a picture when you enter a wrong password. Keep your messages and media on Whatsapp safe with this app present on your phone. It works as one of the best Whatsapp security lock apps.

5. App Lock -Lock Apps, PIN & Pattern Lock

With this app, you can lock Whatsapp safely as it gives the option of PIN, Pattern, and password. It can lock your private photos and videos in the gallery to keep it hidden while safe in the phone. You don’t have to worry about sharing photos on WhatsApp as you can now lock the entire gallery on phone. Also, the texts and calls on Whatsapp remain hidden with App Lock. This app prevents the intruders from disturbing your privacy. It can disguise into an error message on the screen when a wrong password is inserted. It is a very good chat lock for WhatsApp as no one can reach the app without a password.

Note- This application has been discontinued

6. AppLock – Fingerprint

If your device has a fingerprint scanner then it is always a safe option to lock it down using the fingerprint scanner. The application also locks notification from the apps which you can see on the notification bar. You can also customize the time period when selected applications will be locked or you can also choose specific wifi or Bluetooth connection on which your applications will be locked automatically.

7. Private App Lock

Next in our list of best WhatsApp Locker apps is Private App Lock. It lockdown messaging applications on your Android  Smartphone. Like other best apps to lock WhatsApp it also allows users to lock application with a passcode or a pattern. You can also lock your other messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, Line or Wechat. The application has an easy to understand user interface and it is suitable for those who do not want an app to take much space on the device.

Note: As Wechat is of Chinese’s origin, it may not be available in India, because the Indian government has banned some of the Chinese apps

8. App Lock

There are a bundle of app lockers available on Google Play Store. They are loaded with different features App lock app from Sailing Lab is one of them you can lock applications including WhatsApp with a four digit PIN. In the app you will find beautiful themes which makes the use of app fun for you.  Apart from protecting your app, it also allows you to clean the junk from your device.

9. App Lock By Do Mobile Lab

When it comes to an app which can lock other apps this app is very popular and famous. Though this app is fit for locking almost all the apps and features on your Android Smartphone but it is broadly used to lock WhatsApp. The application has all the features which you may expect from a good app locker. You can protect your whatsapp using pin pattern can lock as many apps as you want and it can even help you to lock incoming calls.

10. Vault-Hide Pics and Videos, App lock Free Backup

Vault is designed to make your Whatsapp, pictures, videos, and documents shared on it.  Hide the chats on Whatsapp lock with a password, PIN or fingerprint to be accessed just by you. Use the additional feature of Whatsapp lock image to store the images in the Vault for privacy. The vault is backed by a Cloud Storage so you do not have to worry about losing the data from your phone. Also, you can set up an email for recovery in case you forget the password for the app.

So these were some of the best apps to lock WhatsApp on your Android Smartphone. Locking down WhatsApp can not only protect your privacy but it can also save you from the potential embarrassment if you frequently handover your device to your friends.

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