Life is fast moving and ever changing, every second something new is added or subtracted from our lives. But we are too busy to notice these changes therefore, it is necessary to stop and take out time to look around and avoid missing anything.

If we fail to do so one day, you will be shocked to see even the people you know.

The bitter truth of life is it doesn’t wait for anyone. But by the time we realize, it’s already too late as governments change along with our we grow old and die but nothing life runs on it pace. Things come and go, the only thing that is constant is change. This time we will discuss those technology inspired things that weren’t around a decade ago, but now we can’t imagine our life without them.

10: Online cab service

Unquestionably, 10 years ago getting a taxi wasn’t difficult, but getting an Uber with few taps on your smartphone wasn’t possible. All this now possible, you can now book a cab at your convenience without any hassle. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about negotiating for fare, cabbie’s attitude, and don’t have to struggle for the change.

Uber has sorted all, you get to see the fare before booking the ride, can opt for share cab, get intimated when the cab is at your destination and pay online.

9: Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin)

Before 2008 thinking of anything as currency was unreal but no longer is the case. With acceptance of cryptocurrency things are changing, now virtual currency has more value than the real currency.

It started as the currency used by bad guys to demand ransom and to hide transaction traces, but now it is used by average people as well. It is used to earn profits and to even get it goods in exchange of virtual currency. Looking at the way it is growing, it seems soon you can buy a burger and get a cab hired using this currency. Meaning those who aren’t accepting it now and are against it will soon be its biggest supporter and accepter.

8: Social Networking Apps

With the hype of social media and its usage, it looks meeting people in person is something that lives in our memories only. The young generation prefers digital meetings rather than physical ones and the concept of meeting people, enjoying family time is fading away.

Millennials don’t even know what they are missing, family together used to fun but for them digital world is real. They are running after unreal things thinking it is real and this approach of them has given rise to online social giants such as, Facebook, (released 11 years ago), Twitter (released nine years ago) and Instagram (released 4-5 years later to Instagram).

Social media apps has become another way of living. Instagram the photo sharing app is used to share pics, selfies. Facebook is used to stay updated with what’s happening around us. Twitter is used to get the latest news update.

The real competition is replaced by likes, share of post and number of friends you have on your social account like, Facebook, Instagram and others.

7: The Selfie Stick

This one is a big retrograde step for mankind. For longer than 10 years devices for holding cameras have been there. But with the advent of smartphone with front facing cameras selfie stick has become answer to a problem that never existed.

6: Virtual Reality

Another newcomer a visual head-set that lets you live virtually in a new country, place of your dreams and play games in virtual space. Even social media, and gaming companies are working on creating things that will compatible with this headset.

It’s basically a headset that will make you live into a space of your own imagination.

5: The Cloud

Hard drives were of utmost importance 10 years ago for the storage space they offer. But using them wasn’t easy as data sharing was time consuming and sometimes impossible. Luckily introduction of ‘cloud’ comes as a benefit. All big and small organizations use it extensively as sharing and storing data in them is easy. Plus, you don’t have to worry about carrying them as by simply logging into your cloud account you can access all the files stored on cloud.

4: Airbnb

Another champion is Airbnb, since its launch it has made a mark in hotel industry. No need to search for decent and pocket friendly places. With Airbnb you get a comfortable space to stay without making holes in your pocket.

3: Map Apps

Technological advancement has transformed the way we travel. Paper maps are replaced by mapping apps especially Google Maps. Now you don’t need to rely on human navigators or worry about getting lost.

Google Maps will help you reach your destination without getting lost and explore new places. No need to carry those heavy maps just have Google Maps installed and get street view, 360-degree view and reach to your destination.

2: Robots

Ten years ago, dreaming of a robot to do your household work seemed like a fantasy. But today they are readily available. You can now have personal robots to entertain your children, do household work, take care of elderly and even can seek their assistance in professional work.

AI has made things interesting and easy for us. Now you can sort things by giving voice commands.

1: Smartphone with Touch Screen

Anyone who owns an iPhone, iPad or similar device will agree, it’s hard to visualize life without it. Especially for younger generation it would be a nightmare to live without their smartphone. Their world revolves around their device. Any task you could imagine can be accomplished via a smartphone. It is a complete solution for all the problems, you can access Google on it who could have imagined that you could access Google on phone, listen to music, take selfies, record video, set schedule and do all your daily task with such small device.

It is worth mentioning one can be only updated when he knows what happening around him. However, if he is too busy to see what all is changing then he cannot be updated. The only thing that is constant is change and one needs to accept it. These 10 things clearly show how things have changes around us in a decade. If you are amongst those who haven’t notice the changes but are using them then you need to stop and look around. One shouldn’t be that busy that he doesn’t have time to notice the change. When you know about the new things only then you can use them smartly.

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