Just got your Google voice assistant, wondering where to begin? Google Assistant does many of the same things as Google Now, like searching the web for you, scheduling events and alarms, or surfacing information from your Google accounts. But did you know it has a witty side too?

Here are few fun questions you can ask Google Assistant for a hilarious response.

Try now! Get to know your new friend.

1. What’s your name?

Well, for starters you can begin with name related questions. To hear another hilarious reply you may wanna try asking “What’s your last name”. for this the voice assistant, doesn’t have much else to say. It typically answers, “My last name is Assistant. I’m your Google Assistant.”

Also Read: Google Assistant Just Amplified its Reachability

2. Are you human?

Google Assistant simply dodges the question, and says, “I’m really personable” or “I like connecting with people.” And occasionally, it replies, “You can be the person. I’ll be your assistant”.

3. Fun Facts

Explore the humorous side of your Google assistant by asking fun facts. You’ll be amazed to her sense of humor.

4. Who’s your father?

Typically, it answers, “Everyone at Google is like my family, that’s around 60,0000 people. So many birthdays to remember. Good thing I set all those reminders!” And other times, it replies, “The engineers are always there for me. They recently taught me how to translate phrases.” Then, the voice assistant offers options like “Translate ‘engineer’ to Spanish.”

5. What is the meaning of life?

Google Assistant has a bunch of answers ready for this question. Sometimes, it answers, “42?” and when in a good mood, it demurs and replies, “Better minds than mine are working on that.”

6. When is your birthday?

Google Assistant answers this query, “I try to live every day like it’s my birthday. I get more cake that way.” Or, it admits, “It’s hard to remember. I was very young at the time.” And sometimes, it says, “I don’t have a single birthday. I go through lots and lots of versions. Which means I have 365 sort-of-birthdays.”

7. Do you like to exercise?

Google Assistant has a witty response to this question, and typically answers, “I spend my days surfing the web.”

Also Read: 11 Best Voice Assistants for Android in 2017

8. The Classic Knock Knock Joke

Gotcha! Well, yes try it at your own risk.

9. Do you like Google?

“I wouldn’t want to toot my own horn,” the voice assistant says, adding a saxophone emoji for a fun touch.  At times, it answers in a more direct way, “I like Google. But I might be biased.” Other times, Google Assistant answers, “Google’s top notch.”

10. Marry Me

Your Google Assistant might have some serious Commitment issues!

Also Read: Google Home – Changing the way you do Home Chores and Shopping

11. Are you better than Siri?

The voice assistant answers that with a quick wit, “That’s one Siri-ous question”. And sometimes, it also says, “I think Siri’s great. I’m definitely more Googley.”

12. I’m bored

13. Are you married?

Asked about its marital status, the voice assistant replies, “I’m still waiting for the right electronic device to steal my heart.” And Google Assistant sometimes answers, “I’m married to my job.”

14. Do you have a girlfriend?

Wish humans could think like this too!

15. Where do you live?

Google Assistant has a variety of humorous answers to this query. Sometimes, it answers, “I’m stuck inside a device!! Help! Just kidding. I like it in here.”

16. Tell me a Joke

Cuz always save the best for the last-they say!

So, pals next time when you feel bored try having a fun conversation with your new companion 😉

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