The year 2016 has been a very rich year in computer game releases to fans’ delight. However, the titles released in the last 3 months seem to share a common characteristic: very bad computer ports. Taking into account the huge number of complaints, it’s not too far-fetched to say that 2016 has been a year of bad computer game ports.

Think about all the issues gamers reported after playing Forza Horizon 3, Mafia 3, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, and Dishonored 2. Yes, Dishonored 2 was just launched, yet there are many players who strongly complain about bad port issues.

To put it simply, many Windows gamers now avoid pre-ordering games, and prefer to wait until the game developers release a major update for the games they want to play.

On the other hand, Xbox console owners make fun of Windows gamers and criticize their choice of platform. According to them, the best solution is to simply stop complaining about poor computer ports and simply buy a console.

I think we should stop per-ordering games!!! We should also stop defending the developers by saying thing such as “Do not listen to others, the story is great, and the soundtrack is amazing, performance does not matter!” So what if Mafia 3 has a great soundtrack, we pay big bucks for a working & enjoyable game, not the soundtrack! Grow up people, stop bending over! Stop bullying on people who stand up to the bad ports!

Such remarks only make Windows PC owners even more angry: “I guess we can blame consoles not only do they hold back technology but the Devs chuck out garbage like this.”

However, there are also Windows PC gamers who have been “luckier”. The Windows 10 computers powered by i7 processors usually run the latest games quite smoothly. The problem is that most Windows gamers rely on i5 CPUs and this type of processors is usually listed as minimum system requirements.

Moreover, the variety of PC configurations available makes it very hard for game developers to test their creations on all systems in order to detect potential issues.

All in all, the problem of poor computer ports first appears to be a complex one. But at a second glance, the easiest solution is to simply upgrade your computer and purchase a device equipped with the latest CPU generation and running Windows 10.


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