Trump coming in the power, The Stockholm Attach, Egypt declaring State of Emergency and a lot many other things happening in the world are hampering the world economy growth. Amongst all these, the technology industry is not seen to be affected even a bit. Rather it is progressing with a greater speed than before.
It is not just growing but also have set targets for the next decade, on which they have started working on. Of which some have become accessible to us now even, with a difference that they are of a very initial stage products. The more matured and complex products are yet to come.
My blog will just list the 21 technologies which we will access in the next decade.
21 Big Technologies of the Next Decade
1. Telepresence –
Telepresence is a sophisticated form of robotic remote control in which a human operator has a sense of being on location so that the experience resembles virtual reality. The remotely controlled robot and the human operator can be located at a great distance from each other. Control and feedback are done by telemetry over wires, optical fibers, wireless links or the Internet.
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2. Fifth-Generation Wireless (5G) –
Mobile data consumption is exploding every day, hence we need to develop communication technologies. 4G is not the end of it. In no time we would be experiencing the next generation wave in Communication called as 5G.
5G is the name given to the next generation of the wireless technologies, but the standards and specifications of this network has not been disclosed yet by International Telecommunications Unit. The need of the hour is to densify the mobile networks and the purpose of this development is to meet the skyrocketing demands of consumers.
Some of the key goals which have been targeted to achieve with 5G are:
- Significantly Faster Data Speeds
- Ultra-Low Latency
- A more “Connected World”
3. Computer Vision –
Computer vision is technology which will give the computers or machines the ability to see and visually sense the world around them similar to the humans. We have a range of sensors in the market which are making the machines behave as humans.
Computer vision is the technology which uses video input from the cameras as a sensor. Video as a sensor could be a very important tool which would help in taking the step towards replicating the behavior of humans in machines.
This technology could create wonders through automatic extraction, analysis and understanding of useful information from the video or streams of images.
4. Mixed Reality –
Mixed Reality is the merging of real world and virtual worlds to produce a new environment where physical and digital objects can co-exist and interact. Mixed Reality is sometimes also referred to as Hybrid Reality.
Mixed Reality has the maximum limitless possibilities to develop in respect to all similar technologies. And it may even replace the phones in the near future. It aims to combine the best features of both augmented reality and virtual reality. It also offer the entire spectrum of situations that span the continuum between virtual reality and actual reality. In this case, mixed reality can include other mixed configurations like augmented reality, augmented virtuality etc.
One best example of it in the present time is Microsoft HoloLens, Magic Leap etc.
5. Autonomous Vehicles –
An autonomous car is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Automation in the vehicles is attained with the use of mechatronics, artificial intelligence, and multi-agent system to assist a vehicle’s operator. These cars are not yet commercially available in the market, but big notch companies like Google are designing and testing the autonomous cars.
The automated cars have given a new idea to the car ownership and last mile travel and it also has the potential to radically change the way we manage our logistics and delivery of goods.
6. Artificial Intelligence –
In the words of father of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy, “Artificial Intelligence is the science and the engineering of making intelligent machines, especially Intelligent Computer Programs.
Artificial Intelligence is the technology in which a computer, a computer-controlled robot or a software is made to think intelligently similar to human brains. The simple goal of AI is to implement Human Intelligence in Machines that can think, learn and behave like humans. The other goal of Ai is to create expert systems – systems exhibiting intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, and explain and advice.
The base of artificial intelligence is the Artificial Neural Network which makes it possible to achieve the goals of AI.
Artificial Neural Network is a computation model based on the structure and functions of biological neural networks.
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7. Neuroscience –
Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and what it does. The study of nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and networks of sensory nerve cells called neurons. Rapid advances in technology combined with knowledge about how the brain and nervous system work have ushered in progress once considered purely science fiction, but today falling under a growing area of scientific study called neuroscience.
Among all the technological developments, a direct link between our brains and computers is the most intimate approach to humans till date. Brain-Machines Interfaces have been developed and are poised to challenge out notions of identity, culpability and the acceptable limits of human enhancement.
We also have non-invasive techniques which record the electroencephalogram signals from the surface of our scalps. This technique is being used in many gaming models, for steering a car and is even helpful for soldiers to talk telepathically.
8. Crystal ball Internet –
This crystal ball will not forecast the things for you depending on the positions of stars. Rather it would forecast the upcoming things by “Text Mining”. It analyses the vast amount of data available online, samples the sentiments expressed in the torrent of blogs, tweets, Facebook updates and Instagram Posts. Using the analyses you can know about the unprecedented insights into the mood of the people in the world and predict what is to come.
Researchers have also developed programs to forecast the stock market movements. Google as always is a big platform to forecast probable situations through search queries. For example, more searches for job queries indicates unemployment is rising.
9.Digital Wallets –
Digital wallet refers to an electronic device that allows an individual to make electronic transactions. This can include purchasing items on-line with a computer or using a smartphone to purchase something at a store.
As per anthropologists there are three things most of us carry whenever we go out: our keys, our wallets and our cellphones. Digital wallets could fold the last two into a single item, hence make us cash free. Moreover, this technological era is more about digitizing all the things, so is for cash.
10. Computer Eyewear –
Well, snap chat glasses are already making a debut in the market in this field. The next decade would actually change the way we click pictures and upload them to social media sites. Your smart holiday glares would do that work for you.
The design team at is hoping to do just that. The data captured from the first person’s perspective can be streamed to social networks, and has untold implications for learning, as you’ll be able to see through someone else’s eyes.
11. Genome Sequencing –
Genomes are the building blocks of human cells. Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome – the order of As, Cs, Gs and Td that make up an organism’s DNA.
Genomes have many hidden information about the human body and the study of these genomes may unlock clues to underlying causes of diseases.
Genome sequencing is often compared to “decoding”. A genome sequence is a very long string of letters in a mysterious language.
The technologies of the next decade are not confined to this list. The list is very long. I would describe the remaining of the technologies in the next blog.