Google Home is a nifty and innovative gadget, one of the best smart devices to have around your home. You can stream your favorite music, get daily briefing of news and events, listen to podcasts, ask Google to remind you things, or entertain you at any point of day!

But be it Alexa or Google Home or any other smart assistant things do get awry sometimes. Here are the 4 most common Google Home issues along with quick fixes that’ll help you have a smoother experience with Smart assistants.

Connectivity Issues

This is one of the most commonly faced issues while using smart assistants. So, if you’re facing connectivity troubles on your Google Home device here are a few workarounds that can enhance your experience. For starters, you can try rebooting your device and start afresh. To do so, all you have to do is unplug the cable and connect it again after a few minutes. To reboot via app, head on to Google Home app, select your device name and hit the Settings button. Tap on more and hit the Reboot button to restart your Google Home device.

Also, if this doesn’t help much and if your device still faces connectivity issues then try and keep the WiFi router at a more convenient and centralized location so that Google Home can receive strong signal strength without any network disturbance. As there are a lot of smart devices at our home, the network does get congested with signals which affect your device’s performance. Keeping the WiFi router at a centralized location can help overcome network congestion.

Not Responding

There are times when our Smart assistants act dumb! This mostly happens when they fail to interpret our commands or understand our voice. Suppose, you have placed your Google Home device near television or music system, the noise can often obstruct the commands. Even if we speak a lot louder than our usual normal tone, the device will fail to hear what we say.

So, place your Google Home device away from any sort of obstruction. Also, make sure that the mic switch is turned ON always so that the device can hear anything you say.

Inaccurate Home Location

The most common use of Google Home or any other smart assistants is when we get traffic, news or weather updates. And for this, it is important that you enter an accurate home location for the device.

To set your home location on Google Home device here’s what you need to do:

  • Launch the Google Home app on your Smartphone.
  • Tap the three horizontal lines icon on the top left corner to open settings.
  • Select “More Settings”.
  • Scroll down until you see “Personal info”. Tap on it.
  • Now select “Home and Work Location” option.
  • Here, enter your home or work address accurately so that Google Home pulls out apt updates based on your current location.

 Saying “OK Google” Activates Your Other Android Devices

As “OK Google” is the hot word to activate most Google devices it gets seemingly annoying when you’re trying to give the command to Google Home, but your other Android devices get activated instead. To overcome this trouble, you can change the hot word which activates your Google Home device.

Install the Open Mic + Extension app from Google Play Store and then change the hot word which activates your device. You can keep an exclusive hot word for your device which only activates one device at a time.

So folks, here were the 4 most common Google Home issues which most of us face in our daily routine while using smart assistants. Hope these workarounds will help in making things right!

Good luck!

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