And yet, surprisingly, the amount of information – about almost anything under the sun – that is available, to anyone who can be bothered to look, has also grown immensely. This is where the eight best OSINT tools we will soon see come into play as we learn to dig deep to uncover all this data.

Here’s our list of the nine best OSINT tools:

  • OSINT Framework – a website directory of data discovery and gathering tools for almost any kind of source or platform.
  • SpiderFoot – an OSINT tool to scrape data from over 100 data sources on personal, network, and business entities.
  • Babel X This international search system uses AI to cross language barriers for any search term. This is a cloud-based service.
  • Google Dorks – OSINT data gathering method using clever Google search queries with advanced arguments.
  • Shodan – a search engine for online devices and a way to get insights into any weaknesses they may have.
  • Maltego – an OSINT tool for gathering information and bringing it all together for graphical correlation analysis.
  • Metasploit – a powerful penetration testing tool that can find network vulnerabilities and even be used to exploit them.
  • Recon-ng – an open-source web reconnaissance tool developed in Python and continues to grow as developers contribute to its capabilities.
  • Aircrack-ng – a wifi network security testing and cracking tool that can be used both defensively and offensively to find compromised networks.

What is OSINT?

This public information can be about an individual, a business or corporate entity, a network, a nation, or any other source of relevant data. And, as the “open source” part of OSINT indicates, there is no need to employ sneaky or illegal tactics to obtain it.

After all, why would anyone want to resort to illegal activities when the data they need is freely available from Internet sources like websites, blog posts, social media platforms, search engine result pages (SERPs), and other public-facing digital assets, just to name a few?

Why would we need OSINT for business?

The scope of this article will be limited to a business and its network. The person doing the research is assumed to be an administrator trying to protect the network.

And so, as an administrator of a business network, the main reasons for using OSINT would be:

  • Penetration testing: a great use for OSINT would be to gather all the information that is available out there and see if any of it can lead to an indication that your network has been compromised.
  • Breach detection: if there is data out on the Internet that you didn’t share it could mean you have been hacked and have had data stolen. Monitoring the Internet using OSINT could give you an early start in damage control and even catch the people behind the data theft. Alternatively, it could simply be that a public-facing (or peripheral) device hasn’t been secured well enough and could be leaking data. Either way, an OSINT tool will give you a heads up.
  • Ethical hacking: turn the table and gather information on a source-target; find out everything you can about competitors and use it to gain an insight into their way of doing things. Remember, as long as you abide by the OSINT ethical hacking rules, you will be on the right side of the law. Never cross that line – no matter how strong the temptation is.
  • Chatter monitoring: use OSINT to listen to what is being said about you and yours. Perhaps you have a reputation to maintain, a brand to protect, or a network to secure. Monitor traffic and packets to see what is being directed your way; use the tools to find out all you can before an attack happens.

Finally; remember it isn’t just businesses that use OSINT. Governments and their agencies also use it to gather data on undeclared assets that belong to persons or organizations of interest, for example. With the right tools, a business can find out if there are any such probes aimed their way by simply looking at the searches, queries, and any network penetration attempts that are being made.

What types of OSINT do we have?

OSINT tools can be divided into three main categories:

  • Discovery tools: are used to search for the information that is out there. A great example would be Google. Although it may seem like it is a simple search engine, there is really nothing simple about the information it can discover when an OSINT expert has a go at it, as we will soon see.
  • Scraping tools: once discovered, the data must be “scraped” and collected somewhere safe. These tools make sure only the required data is filtered for extraction to avoid bulky transfers (which could alert the source) and also avoid unnecessary data that could muck up the information that is to be extracted from it.
  • Aggregation tools: once the data has been stored safely, it needs to be mined and sifted through to convert it into usable These tools are used to combine related data bits into a larger picture and present it in a way that will show relations and connections between datasets and bring it all together in a consumable format.

Of course, there are tools that have all three functionalities included in one package.

OSINT gathering tactics

There are three methods of OSINT intelligence gathering:

  • Passive: this is the “normal” way of digging for information; usually done by scouring the web with applications like Google search, Bing Maps, and Yandex images. This method is hard to detect as no probing is involved and only archived information is collected.
  • Semi-Passive: here too, scouring the Internet is involved, to find the data; but software solutions are also involved to non-intrusively gather information about a network, for example, and send the data off to collection servers. No brute force attacks or in-depth querying is involved.
  • Active: in this scenario, the information is collected by directly extracting it from the target; although no malicious software is involved in breaching their security. Remember, although it is publicly available, just sitting unprotected on their servers and networks, it could still be perceived as hacking. This type of probing can be detected because it involves scanning of networks to find open ports, for example. Once the data has been discovered, the next step involves getting it into storage servers for further analysis.

This brings us to the point where we have to warn you about using OSINT tools without hiding your identity. Always assume that your target will find out about the intelligence probe and might even try to go after you – legally or otherwise. Learn how to hide your identity by using VPNs, fake accounts, and TOR, and other anonymity tactics.

What kind of information can you gather with OSINT?

To be honest, you could probably extract any information that is in digital format. There is no such thing as a secure online presence. Once a device is exposed to the Internet, someone, somewhere, could probably find a way to it.

Search engines like Google can give you insights into data that is not only shared on the web but also, with the help of advanced arguments, allow you to delve deeper to find files and information that hasn’t been shared intentionally.

Then again, using tools like Google Earth, you can see some of the remotest parts of the planet and even accidentally uncover state secrets. On the other hand, you can also catch live events with the help of unsecured security cameras, unprotected CCTVs, and even a Google mapping car.

To put it all in perspective: all that is needed to start finding information on a person is a single phone number. Once we have that, it is easy for anyone to build an OSINT tool – from scratch – that can extract information like name, location, and social media account details which can then be used to dig further for even more personal or financial information.

The Best OSINT tools

Before we begin, we need to remind you: the information provided in this post is for informational purposes only; you – and only you – will be held responsible for any misuse of said information.

Using this set of criteria, we looked for OSINT tools that can collect, collate, visualize, and store pertinent research.

Our methodology for selecting an open-source intelligence system

We reviewed the market for OSINT tools and analyzed the options based on the following criteria:

  • Search strategies with recommended data sources
  • A data sorting and analysis function
  • The ability to consolidate data from many sources
  • A method to map and connect different data types
  • A graphical data interpretation system or interoperability with a third-party visualization tool
  • A free tool or a paid system with a free trial for a no-obligation assessment opportunity
  • A paid tool that offers value for money or a free tool that is worth the time to learn

With that in mind, and without further ado, here are the eight best OSINT tools:

1. OSINT Framework

This is perhaps one of the most popular OSINT tools out there. The thing is that OSINT Framework is more of a website with a directory of tools rather than just one single tool. And, it is perhaps this ability to find all the tools you may need to dig up all the information on a target, in one place, that makes it the go-to option for information gathering.

Key Features:

  • Online tool
  • Directory of information sources
  • Search facilities
  • Data collation
  • Free to use

Why do we recommend it?

OSINT Framework is a directory of data sources and links through to handy tools for data discovery and sorting. This is a great resource but there are a lot of tools linked to in this list. You need to establish a search strategy that focuses on a particular type of data, such as vehicle registration or email addresses.

Another reason this is a popular collection is that many of the best OSINT tools are written or created for a Linux environment. This directory, meanwhile, has many tools that can be run from a browser and, even when the installation is needed, there are options for most major operating systems.

The collection of OSINT tools can help dig up information using anything from a simple telephone number, IP address, or email addresses. There are even options for venturing into the Dark Web or the ability to analyze malicious files. So, proceed with caution.

There are tutorials and games included to get beginners started with the digging-for-information game. Need a VM for a research campaign? You can find a list of software solutions under “Virtual Machines”.

OSINT Framework is a good starting point for anyone who has never performed a search of public data before because it has a training section. The guides explain methods to implement when conducting research. You can then use that knowledge to scan through a large number of tools and data sources in the list to perform a targeted research project.

Almost all of the tools that are linked to an OSINT Framework are free while the few remaining ones might ask for a small subscription fee.


  • The leading framework in the OSINT community
  • Great place to find new tools for data collection
  • Can sort tools by category
  • Completely free


  • Can be overwhelming for new users who aren’t familiar with OSINT

2. SpiderFoot

With SpiderFoot we have a tool that can be downloaded and installed on a Linux or Windows machine and also a cloud version that can be run from a browser.

  • Cloud-based and accessed through a browser
  • On-premises option for Windows and Linux
  • Reveals security breaches
  • Identifies compromised accounts

SpiderFoot provides automated searches of public data, looking for information on a target that you specify. You can download the open-source version and run it for free or subscribe to the hosted version. The SaaS package offers the same search functions as the free system but it has better data analysis tools for discovered data.

SpiderFoot HX – the free online version – offers five scans per month. Once the target has been selected (or a bunch of them in the forms of domain names, user names, IP addresses, etc.) the tool starts to run a major scan that automatically starts to dig for troves of information from over 100 public data sources.

Once the scan is complete, an alert is sent via email and the report is immediately available in a dashboard that is easy to navigate and drill into. It integrates with other apps like Slack, which makes it an even more powerful tool as more than one person can collaborate on the project.

The data it returns includes the number of compromised passwords, SSL certificate details, hosting information, physical addresses related to the input parameter, and so much more.

In fact, this tool can be used offensively to gather some in-depth information on a network and its users. And, as if that weren’t enough, the source code of the whole project is freely available for anyone who wants to tweak it to meet their specific needs.

Anyone that needs to investigate details about people and the businesses they work for could use this tool. That means cybersecurity consultants should use it to discover compromised accounts but also hackers can use it to profile individuals in an organization and even discover system access credentials.

3. Babel X

There are a number of social media scanning OSINT tools available now but probably the most successful of these is a system that most of its userbase doesn’t want to admit to having and that’s Babel X. For example, the FBI uses Babel X extensively but doesn’t shout about it.

  • Simple minimalistic interface

  • Queries a bulk of public resources – great for extensive data collection

  • New modules offers additional sources for data collection

  • Completely free

  • Pages marked as “noindex” will not show up – offering an incomplete picture of the true scale of an attack surface

  • Searches social media

  • Thousands of public data sources

  • Multi-national searches

Thanks to the internet, threats are now global, even when targeted at small businesses. There are several applications of this search system that crosses into 200 different languages in its data gathering. The Babel X system can be used to track the movements of terrorists or even armies – the system is currently tracking the movements of Russia’s army in the Ukraine. Right down to the small business level, data breaches put email addresses and other business personnel identifiers in the hands of miscreants who could be anywhere in the world. Tracking those hackers can help prevent an attack.

The Babel X system uses AI to link together events and postings on the internet and also skillfully translates statements between languages where words don’t always have a one-to-one mapping.

The system can be used to examine insider threats, pressure group campaigns, reputational damage attempts, and competitor slurs as well as international hacker campaigns. Once a suggestion of a threat to you or your business has been identified, the system can be used to map out associates and possible commissioners of hostel actions.

Forewarned is forearmed and so keeping constant track of threats and the people who are known to oppose you or your business helps you to strategize blocking tactics to get ahead of any gathering threat. You might be targeted by a rival but actually hit by an unknown overseas attacker. Drawing links between an attack and the true origin of that action can help you alert law enforcement to your opponents and support legal action to ensure the right people get punished.

Despite our mention of small businesses above, this tool isn’t affordable and so will probably only be used by government agencies and small businesses. Babel Street, the producers of Babel X doesn’t publish a price list but a report in Vice about the service, which was published in April 2017 noted that the US Army National Guard was paying $18,500 at that time for a one-year subscription.

Babel Street Babel X is a cloud-based system and you can investigate it by accessing a demo.

  • Builds and depicts networks of attackers

  • Links together seemingly unrelated events

  • Searches in 200 languages, using AI in translation

  • Not free and not cheap

4. Google Dorks

Anyone who takes Google’s search capability for granted, or underestimates the power that lies behind this search engine’s capability to dig deep and come up with some interesting information, is a fool.

  • Free online services
  • Not produced by Google
  • A category of websites

Google Dorks are advanced search techniques that can be used in the Google search engine to perform research into vulnerabilities on a website or discover information about businesses that are not immediately apparent from surface searches. You can discover tips on good Google Dorks to try by looking through the Exploit Database.

With the right arguments, anyone can find files or documents that may seem securely stored. In fact, one of the first things to do during a penetration test is to use Google Dorks to see what can already be accessed without any data mining tools.

As you may have understood, Google Dorks is not a tool, per se. It is a data querying method that involves querying for information using advanced – and clever – search arguments in Google Search.

Here’s how it works: websites are automatically indexed when Google bots crawl them. Now, unless sites with sensitive data or folders specifically block the bots (using noindex meta tags), their contents will be made available as search results for specific Google queries.

The concept here is to enable any user to delve deep into a server’s annals to come up with data corresponding to various arguments. The beauty of it is that Google has a large list of arguments that can address queries for almost any type of data including usernames and passwords.

There is no one website to go for the ultimate compilation of clever Google syntaxes; that means you will need to do a Google search for that too. But, for your reference, we have one of the most popular Google Dorks sites: Google Hacking Database on Exploit Database. Enthusiasts from all over the world update this registry daily.

Again, be aware that this is a powerful OSINT tool that can uncover sensitive information that could get you in trouble simply because you downloaded, or even looked at it.

Google Dorks can be used for many purposes and therefore there are many different types of people who use them. They can be used by penetration testers to reveal security weaknesses in a website and hackers can use them, too, for the same purpose. Researchers can discover interesting information about a company on the back pages of a website that might have been left there in the belief that the public wouldn’t be able to access them.

5. Shodan

  • Completely free

  • Uses simple Google syntax to filter search engine data

  • Provides a good starting point for OSINT beginners

  • Limited to Google search engine

Shodan is a querying digital intelligence gathering tool. It is a search engine that can be used to find information on IP addresses, ports, and any Internet-connected devices. It can be used to gather information on servers belonging to businesses or even cities, for example.

  • Web-based service
  • Free edition
  • Proprietary query language

Shodan is a search tool that details the equipment and other technologies, such as SSL certificates, used by a business. The company currently highlights its ability to list the IoT devices used by a company, including their locations and details about their configurations and other attributes.

To start using it, simply type in any business and you get information on the devices that the business uses including honeypot ICS, location, services (HTTP, etc.), and even any vulnerabilities the devices might have.

The results are grouped by network names or IP addresses. Host information includes what operating systems are being used, open ports, type of Internet server, website design language, and much more. Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), or IP range, network scanning for bulk information is also possible.

Some queries may only work for the US – but, there are plenty more tools that help search for information from the rest of the world. You can start by typing in a query for a country to get the number of unique IP addresses they have registered.

Using this tool becomes a breeze once you have learned the Shodan syntax which is similar to Google Search. For example, querying for “Org: Organization_Name” gives you the information related to the devices that belong to an organization.

With such commands, users can run a query to list open surveillance or web cameras and even grab snapshots from them.

Although the main purpose of this tool is for reconnaissance, some commands can be actually used to perform penetration testing. In the right hands, this is a powerful tool that can lay bare the weaknesses of a network.

Shodan is an essential tool for security professionals – both physical security consultants and cybersecurity analysts. This service lets you see what information is available about your systems. Naturally, hackers would benefit from this tool as well.

6. Maltego

This OSINT tool is helpful in finding information on individuals as well as organizations. It can run on Linux, Windows, and macOS.

  • Very user-friendly, even for non-technical users

  • Great user interface, displays metrics alongside a geographical map

  • Can export results and build reports from inside the tool

  • Shodan is a paid tool, starting at $59

  • Shodan is offered as a service, much like Google you cannot tinker with its inner workings

  • Identifies relationships between data

  • Generates a data map

  • Runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS

Maltego is a truly unique tool but you would need to take a course in how to use it in order to even know how to start with an investigation. Those who have mastered the use of the tool get stunning results by tracking the links between identities to reveal the presence of an individual in different arenas and then track other people related to that person and identify their activities.

Although you need to register with Maltego Community to start digging for information, which is a mighty tool as it is, you can also buy the premium version for even more advanced features.

Once signed in, you get a “Graph” window where you do your research. The query results are displayed in the form of a bubble graph that shows the relations of each “transform” results – as Maltego query scripts are known.

To start the information-gathering process, you first enter the main entity you are researching – an individual, organization, phone number, etc. – and run the available transforms to see the results. For example, it can be used to map networks to see how the servers on it are linked and if, perhaps, they have been compromised. The resulting information can be filtered or further “transformed” for even more in-depth data analysis.

Maltego is a useful tool for private investigators and journalists. It can also be used by hackers to profile individuals and track their activities. Bellingcat uses Maltego extensively, for example, to reveal the identities of the Russian secret service agents behind the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.

Although this tool is very easy to use, as you simply start from one piece of information and start to progressively build on it, it is also very powerful and never disappoints in its result delivery.

  • Highly visual, great for mapping complex networks and relationships

  • The interface is very detailed but easy to learn

  • Highlights relationships between datapoints natively – new sources can be added via API

  • The paid versions can be cost-prohibitive to smaller organizationsShodan is offered as a service, much like Google you cannot tinker with its innerworkings

7. Metasploit

There is nothing shy about this tool; on the contrary, it is a bold weapon that can be used to get all the required information on a target – be it a host or a network – and then exploit any vulnerability that may have been discovered. This is usually done by sending out a payload that executes commands.

  • Penetration testing tool
  • Free version
  • Includes hacking systems

Metasploit is a vulnerability scanner and penetration testing tool. The importance of this system is that it provides tools to probe a system and discover information about security components and possible ways into a network and then it automatically copies that data over to attack tools to implement a system breach.

With Metasploit, users can upload, download, listen to, or alter files they have found. In the case of mobile devices, they can even capture screenshots and activate the camera and microphone for remote eavesdropping.

This is a no-nonsense tool that can cause real damage – and get you in trouble – if abused. It has seven modules that can be used for different intelligence gathering campaigns: auxiliary, payloads, evasion, encoders, exploits, post, and NOP.

These modules tackle specific issues like getting past defenses (encoders), running scripts, and code by exploiting buffer overflows (NOP), or performing tasks after compromising a system (post), for example.

Once someone has access to a system, they can practically own every single device on it. The scary thing about this OSINT tool is that it can deliver payloads to devices running almost any type of operating system out there: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and many more.

Metasploit is one of the most highly-recommended hacker tools – both for white hat and black hat hackers.

Metasploit, itself, can be run from Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  • One of the most popular security frameworks in use today

  • Has over of the largest communities – great for continuous support and up-to-date additions

  • Available for free and commercial use

  • τηHighly customizable with many open-source applications

  • Metasploit caters to more technical users, which increases the learning curve for beginners in the security space

8. Recon-ng

Here is another tool that is great at getting information from open, public records. Although the interface could appear to be a bit daunting at first – because of the CLI – it really is an easy tool to master after spending a few days playing around with it.

On the contrary, anyone that is proficient at working in a Unix/Linux environment will find this to be a familiar tool.

  • Command-line tool for Linux
  • Free to use
  • Community-supplied plug-ins

Recon-ng is good at crawling the Web for specific information – whatever word/name/address you give it to search for. All discovered records are inserted into a database. This is a command line tool and Linux expert users will find it easy to use.

Recon-ng has default modules that are also open source, and then there is a marketplace to add even more features. And because it is an open-source tool, it continues to evolve and grow as the developer community continues to contribute to it. Written in Python, Recon-ng is designed exclusively for web-based open source reconnaissance. Therefore, it can’t be used for exploits.

But, still, once the information has been collected, it is stored in a database which can then be used to generate insightful custom reports.

Recon-ng is a research tool. Anyone who is good at investigating but not so good at using the Linux command line will struggle with this tool. You would need to partner up with a technician to use this utility. You also need to export the data from the database and import it into some other data visualization tool in order to analyze it, which isn’t an easy task.

9. Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng is a wireless network security penetration testing tool that has four main functions:

  • Open source, completely free

  • Strong community, one of the most popular OSINT tools

  • Great interface – looks and feels like Metasploit

  • Highly detailed takes time to fully explore and use all features within the tool

  • Packet monitoring – capturing of frames and collecting WEP IVs (Initialization Vectors); if a GPS is added, it can log the position of APs (access points).

  • Penetration testing – by performing packet injection attacks, fake access points, replay attacks, and more to test a network’s security.

  • Performance analysis – testing wifi and driver capabilities.

  • Password security testing – password cracking on WEP and WPA PSK (WPA 1 and 2).

Although the tool was developed primarily for Linux, there are versions for Windows, OS X, and FreeBSD. The fact that it is a fully CLI tool means that it can be easily tweaked to meet unique requirements using custom scripts.

  • Scans wireless channels
  • Free to use
  • Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows

Aircrack-ng is a very well-known hacker tool that can scan wireless systems and, theoretically crack captured data. So, this is a snooping tool rather than a scanner of open source intelligence.

Hackers use Aircrack-ng a lot. However, its power is greatly diminished by effective transmission encryption. Although you will find it difficult to reap the contents of transmissions, if information about which devices are connected to the wireless network is of use, you will find a benefit from this tool. Penetration testers and system security managers can use this tool to confirm that transmission security is adequate.

Honorable mentions

Here are a selection of tools that can further enhance the performance and reach of the tools we have seen above:

  • Focuses heavily on wireless security – great for routine audits or field pen tests

  • One of the most widely supported wireless security tools

  • Can audit wifi security as well as crack weak wireless encryption

  • Not the best option for those looking for an “all-in-one tool”

1. Wireshark

Wireshark – this popular free, open source packet sniffing tool is one of the best penetration testing applications that lets you see if there are any unprotected protocols like FTP, Telnet, and SSH travelling in a network.

2. Nmap

Nmap – this is another popular “old-timer” that is still used to keep an eye on network security; it can be used for discovery or testing purposes to see host statuses and gather information like shared data, operating systems, and much more to uncover vulnerabilities. As time goes by, it has gotten more powerful and now has a GUI (Zenmap).

3. PhoneInfoga

PhoneInfoga – squeeze as much information as possible from a phone number; this tool works globally, for phone numbers from across the world. The only catch: it needs Python.

4. TinEye

TinEye – in a world where the problem of fake news is being exacerbated with expert Photoshop manipulations, this reverse search engine uses image identification instead of keywords or metadata. It is a simple, browser-based tool.

We would like to hear about other OSINT tools you use or think should be on this list. Tell us about them; leave a comment below.