You’ll probably be interacting with Umeme’s new Yaka prepaid meter more often than the old analogue meters currently being phased out. But while checking your power balance, reloading new Yaka units or entering the token code, you might encounter some errors.
Here are some known Umeme Yaka Meter Token error codes (the hashed naming convention is ours).
#Invalid code
Token has been entered incorrectly or is invalid.
Solution: Simply re-enter the code or call customer care for assistance.
#Used code
Error: ddddddd ddd
Token has already been used and can’t be used again
Solution: Buy another Umeme Yaka code
#Expired code
Error: 0000000 000
Token has expired.
Solution: Use token within 3 month from date of purchase. Call customer care for token renewal.
#programmed default code
Error: ddt
The meter has been programmed to default code and can’t accept credit tokens.
Solution: Call customer care for assistance.
#Too high credit
Error: 9999999 999
The current available credi on the Yaka meter is too high to accept more credit.
Solution: Re-enter the token when the credit levels drop
#Too large Token
The token value is too large and can’t be displayed. Hence it can’t be processed.
#Too low credit
Error: 2 buzzing sounds at regular intervals
Your credit is lower than acceptable figure. Hence the buzzer will make two short beeps at regular intervals. It happens when you have less than 15 units.
Solution: To silence the buzzer, press the backspace key.
So there you have it; All the known Umeme prepaid meter error codes. That will probably help you do the troubleshooting yourself before calling customer care.