Meeting Action Item Template
One may use the action item template to track the action items. There are many different purposes for which one can use the same. Different action items can be corrective action templates, project management, priority, or corrective action. The corrective action template depicts one of all the details related to issues of the action items. For example, one needs to include the company’s name and date of audit. Further, one can include the document log number, the corresponding corrective actions, and issues related to the action items.
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Other Versions
- Excel 2003 (.xls) OpenOffice (.ods)CSV (.csv)
Please refer to the excel file for the template.
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About the Action Item Template
- To complete this type of template, one needs to include the completion date and the correction deadline. It would enable accountability for the people taking the corrective measures for the given action items.A decisive action template is another type wherein a description of decisions one needs to take for that particular action. Here, one can include the task’s priority, the person responsible for the same, and the expected completion date.Priority action template is another variant wherein task one would list out in terms of priority along with the target completion date, the person in charge, the status of the issue, and the area. It can also include a field for completion.Project management activities will include the stages of the project, the owner, the priority of the same, the estimated completion date, and any corrective action if needed.
Below are the details of the general action item template. One can include additional columns per their requirement or delete the same.
Part #1 – Action Item
The first part of the action item template is an action item, which will be a unique identifying task number that will separate itself from other tasks and recognize the same. It will help to navigate the action items. Examples of the same could be A20122, A20123, or Item Task I, etc.
Part #2 – Priority
Keeping the priority field will help one navigate to the action or the task, and one can identify the most sensitive part and focus upon the same. One should enter the priority task with timeliness, the highest degree of focus, etc. Priority can be defined, such as “H” as a high priority, “L” as a low priority, and “M” as a medium priority, or there could be other notations used, such as coloring as red showing as the highest priority.
Part #3 – Due Date
It is the most critical field in the action item template, as one will use this to track the due date by which the particular action item must complete.
Part #4 – Description
Part #5 – Owner
This one is used to track and identify the one responsible for completing that task, and one shall identify the name for the same. That person will be responsible for completing the task and will take accountability if the task is not completed within the due date. It shall be agreed upon in advance before assigning any name.
Part #6 – Notes
It is an additional field wherein one can track the task’s progress, that is, how much the same is completed. If any issues, challenges, or additional notes need to be noted, those all need to be mentioned here. E.g., enter the date – and stage of completion.
Part #7 – Status
One can update the status in this section, which could be in one line or so. E.g., action items could be mentioned as “Open,” which means they are still not resolved. Work in progress would mean the action item is still worked upon. There could be deferred wherein it would mean that an action item has been deferred for the time being. The canceled status would mean that the action item has been canceled and is no longer required to be worked upon, and closed will be the final status, which would mean that the action item has been completed by the owner and is now no longer outstanding and can be marked as green.
How to Use This Template?
As stated above, there are many different purposes for which one can use the action item template, whether one uses it for taking corrective action, managing a project, following a meeting, or taking corrective or decisive action. For this template, one needs to divide tasks into different items and assign dates along with their owner, the target completion date, and the description of what that item represents. Then, start tracking those via notes and status columns. One can also use multiple templates for multiple tasks that have multiple tasks beneath them. The template’s design should be kept simple and easy to understand so that if any new person is assigned a task to track the same, he should be able to do it.
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This article has been a guide to the action item template. Here we provide you with a free downloadable action item template that allows registering the action items which require corrective actions. Also, you can download and use this template in Google Sheets, ODS, or CSV format.
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