We all are familiar with the My Computer icon on the desktop and the My Computer that opens up when we double-click on the Computer icon on the desktop or when we simultaneously press Windows + E keys.

With default settings, My Computer window shows connected hard disk drives, devices with removable storage such as optical drives and USB storage drivers. Wouldn’t it be great it was possible to add our favorite folders and programs so that we can we open drives, folders and apps from one place?

Add programs and folders to My Computer & Control Panel

Want to customize My Computer and Control Panel by adding custom folders and programs? Here is an application that allows you place programs and folders in My Computer and also in Control Panel.

Folder2MyPC is a wonderful application for Windows 7 to add program shortcuts and folders to My Computer window. The tool also lets you use custom icons for your new folders and applications. As you can see, I have added Internet Explorer and Macrium Reflect programs to My Computer. All newly added folders and programs appear under Other section.

Adding a program shortcut under a subcategory in Control Panel is also possible with Folder2MyPC. For instance, you can place a program shortcut under Appearance and personalization category.

The main features:

Add/change/remove any folder and programs in a folders “My Computer” and “Control panel

You can chose how you want to open the folder (in a new window or not)

Customize the shortcut’s icon

Create shortcut’s both for the current user and for all users of PC

Overall, it’s a very useful application to make the most out of My Computer. Please note that this program works fine on x86 edition of Windows 7 only. It might not work as advertised on x64 Windows 7 systems. If you’re going to try it on x64 systems, we suggest you create a system restore points before running the tool.

Download Folder2MyPC